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What concept/rule of learning science is about time?   |   Author: Kathy

A key dimension to illustrate learning

Answer1 | Author:Kathy

Brainstorming Ideas

In learning, it might be more feasible to describe time in terms of the qualitative nature.

It might be more about procedure (phase, or step). The procedure list in Smart Art and Articulate (Illustration tools) might give us some hints.

Example 1: With an outcome = x: before  getting x, during the  process of getting x, after getting x.

Example 2: Bruner's m-modes. Phase 1: enactive mode; Phase 2: iconic mode; Phase 3: symbolic mode

Example 3: Learning Design Cycle: ADDIER (Assessment, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate, Research)

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Answer2 | Author:Kathy

Threads Created

Part A: To ANA (With analogy target, look for analogy source)

A1. To illustrate time-dimension of learning, what tools can inspire us

Part B: To software (With software funciton, look for rule)

B1. The Procedure-type Illustration in Smart Art

B2. The timeline in Flash

B3. The History Tool Bar

B4. Quick Tax

Part C: To Theory

C1: ADDIER Model

C2: Bruner's m-modes

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