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Linking and weaving in learning   |   Author: Kathy

There are different theories describing linking and weaving in learning, to list some:

1. Ausubel's linking: heirachy structure

2. CIP's encoding, linking/relating new information with mental structure

3. In Schemata, link experience with mental structure,

4. In situated cognition theory, linking the 'Practice' -&- 'Sign', linking the '3-modes of signs', link 'creating signs' with 'using signs'

5. Piaget: general logic linking different fields, linking action with signs

6. Bruner's linking 3-modes, linking 'personal leanring' with 'discovery'

7. Vygotsky's linking interpersonal to intrapersonal, linking in zone of approximate learning

Question1 | Author:Kathy

How to synthesize these 'linking-&-weaving', what are the shared parts, what are the complimentary parts?

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Question2 | Author:Kathy

What tools can assist my doing this synthesis? Can a translating-to-models tool help? Just like touching the elephant, use the language to describe the different parts, but put these words-piece together would be difficult to create one.  However, if I translate/transform each piece into models, then the task becomes creating models. Just like a kid is putting a car piece together.  The things become more visible, and I will see clearly what different words actually descibe the same object-piece.

Sure, it is more than a static model, it is to putting the piece of plays together. Like what a moive-producing team would do. To story-board, to shot, to edit. Then maybe an environment is needed for collecting these play-pieces, to ensemble these pieces.

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Question3 | Author:Kathy

Schema implies that knowledge stored in our brain in this way. If so, what is the outside documenting tool, or communicating tool in a way of schemata?

Words, sentences, paragraphs, images, math function & movie, these are the formats storing knowledge. What if I propose that a scheme-unit is the unit of knowledge, the scheme-unit is like an Adobe Flash environment.

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