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Psychology of learning for instruction (3nd) -- Marcy Drisoll   |   Author: Kathy

 This is the book that I use heavily for two projects on learning science.

Learning outcome in the Comprehensive Theory Matrix

Radical Behaviorism: Observable behavior;

Cognitive Information Processing: Declariative knowledge, procedural knowledge,memeory

Meaningful Reception Learning: Organized conceptual knowledge hat involves understanding

Schema Theory and Mental Models: Orgazined conceptual knowldge and mental models that can be used to interpret events and solve problems.

Situated Cognition: ability to use the concepts and tools of a community of practice.

Genetic Epistemology: Physical knowledge, logical-mathematical knowledge, social knowledge

Interactional Theories of Cognitive Development: Thinking, conceptual knowlege, ability to use the tools of one's culture, awareness of one's own thinking.
